
3 Basic Tips on Working From Home

Want some tips on how to work from home? If you are still employed and have not been made redundant or furloughed and have a family and children, then you may find this post useful. Since certain governments around the world are enforcing lockdowns and companies are asking their employees to work from home to prevent spreading COVID-19, here are three basic tips for riding this out until the circumstances change: 


Take turns: If you are married and have kids, you and your spouse may find it increasingly difficult to manage work and kids at home simultaneously. Instead, try taking turns; ask your spouse to watch the kids for an hour or two, and then you take over. Repeat until both of you get your work done. 

Bond with your family: If your children insist on needing your attention, spend time with them. Work can be paused for just a little while until your children receive the love and care they deserve. You can get back to work as soon as you attend to their needs. 


Eliminate perfectionism: You don't have to get everything right. These are extraordinary circumstances, so don't beat yourself up. It's ok for you to take time to learn how to help your child with distance learning. It's alright if the house looks like a mess (you'll clean it up when you can). Allow your kids to have more screen time. 

Do what you have to do to get through this crisis with your sanity, relationships, and professionalism intact.

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