
Macs Vs Windows Machines

Have you ever wondered about the pros and cons of Mac and Windows machines? 

I thought I'd to throw in my two cents'. Your choice of machine will be based on your own personal preferences, and to each his own. 

Pros of Mac Machines: 

- Best for content creation and graphic design

- Durable, robust anodized CNC aluminum designs 

- User-friendly, ultra fast SSDs, intuitive, & responsive

- Three finger drag & better multi-touch gestures

- Good resale value and innovative designs

- Best touchpads & speakers in the industry 

- Optimized performance with Apple's new chips: All 

components are on the chip with unified memory 

architecture (CPU/GPU) for a smooth experience

- Can run Windows through third party apps 

- Less power consumption with longer battery life 

- Better thermal performance and more silent fans

- Can give you full performance with no power supply

- Less prone to viruses and malware 

- More secure with default disk encryption, sandboxing,

 password prompts for installations or access

Cons of Mac Machines: 

- More expensive than Windows machines in general

- Lack of real gaming support 

- RAM and SSD can't be upgraded after purchase 

- Apple's walled garden or "ecosystem" may be limiting

& it's difficult to use Macs with non-Apple products.  

- Less software available than Windows 

Pros of Windows Machines: 

- Less expensive & more options available in general

- Less expensive to service 

- SSD and RAM upgradable in most models 

- More software & hardware support available 

- Full gaming support 

- More peripheral options available 

- Windows Hello login is fast and secure (if equipped)

- More customizable than Macs with better backward 


Cons of Windows Machines: 

- Poor quality for cheap PCs (components, build)

- Less stable and more prone to errors 

- Updates are more frequent and painful 

- Trackpads are still not as good as Macs

- More prone to vulnerabilities and malware 

- Battery life is less than Macs in general 

- Thermals are not as good as Macs. Gaming PCs 

can become overpriced ovens with swollen batteries.

- Power consumption is significantly more than macs 

- Touchpad gestures are still not as good as Macs

What is your choice? Do you like Mac or Windows? 


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